Unspoken Conversations are the topics that are often swept under the carpet, whispered amongst the closest of friends and bitched about by many. I want to create awareness about difficult things that people face in life; grief, mental health, money, illnesses, family troubles, relationship difficulties and putting yourself first. I want to tell the truth about things that really matter.

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Why we should all take life by the balls! No more coulda, shoulda, wouldas!

I promise that if you grab life by the balls and step out of your comfort zone then you'll have a smile like this...and celebrate with two drinks!!!

When was the last time you said a sentence with could, would or should in it?

It could be an internal conversation that you have had with yourself, or in passing conversation with someone else, or with someone you really care about.

I know I do it all of the time.

I should really get off my ass and go for a walk, I know I'll feel better after.

I wished I could have been more assertive when I had that discussion with such and such.

I wished I would just pluck up the courage to write some of the difficult blogs that I want to write about but am just a little too nervous to yet.

Shoulda. Coulda. Woulda.

I don't want to get to a certain age or stage in my life when all I am thinking about is shoulda, coulda, wouldas.

I don't want to live a life of regret because I didn't take life by the balls when an opportunity arose.

I don't want to let my own self esteem and negative self talk stop me from achieving what I know that I can do but I just sometimes struggle to pluck up the courage, motivation and desire to do it.

Sometimes I honestly believe that the only thing stopping people from achieving their goals is THEMSELVES.

How many times have you caught yourself saying:

"I don't have the time to do such and such". 

"I wished I was better at..." 

"I don't have the energy for that" 

"I'd love to apply for such and such job but I don't think I'd be successful"

"I wished I could be more like such and such"

And what advice would you give to a friend who said these things to you?

I know I'd tell the person to stop being so harsh on themselves and that they are smart and talented and have the skills to GO FOR IT and to GRAB LIFE BY THE BALLS because what's the worse outcome?

So why then, are we so harsh on ourselves? Why do we beat up ourselves about our unnatural strengths when we could be celebrating our natural gifts and talents?

You can even treat yourself with flowers once you've taken the BIG STEP and DONE what you've always wanted to do!

My Story

I have always wanted to create awareness about things that matter. I guess that's why I chose to study teaching at university.

When I went on my first teaching prac, I realised that this type of face to face, in front of a group of young people, marking, behaviour management issues, curriculum, planning etc was NOT the kind of teaching that was right for me.

I was studying to be an English teacher because I LOVE writing, analysing and expressing myself through words.

My own self confidence issues at the time, stopped me from grabbing life by the balls and doing what I truly loved...writing.

On the 3rd of June 2012 I decided enough was enough. I needed to stop doubting myself and to just go for it. I started my blog with Grabbing life by the balls and going for it!

I decided to call my blog Unspoken Conversations. This is because I wanted to address the topics that are often swept under the carpet, whispered amongst the closest of friends and bitched about by many.

I wanted to create awareness about difficult things that people face in life; grief, mental health, money, illnesses, family troubles, relationship difficulties and putting yourself first.

I wanted to tell the truth about things that really matter.

Today, on the 12th of July 2012, I have written 29 blog posts and had 3,800 page views.

I have spoken about Depression, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, not taking your family for granted, tips for buying a house, tips for saving money, how to keep a relationship alive through date nights, tips for how to cope when you are dealing with grief and many more!

I have also now had three guest bloggers write inspiring stories for me based on their life experiences and I have a couple more in the pipeline!

I couldn't be happier.

I decided to grab life by the balls and to give it a good shake up.

I stepped outside of my comfort zone to explore whether sharing my life experiences  in blog form was beneficial to me and others.

I wanted to discover whether creating awareness about those unspoken conversations, is what my "calling was".

I am thrilled to say that I have found what truly makes me happy in my career and life.


So next time you catch yourself saying coulda, shoulda, woulda, challenge your thinking and replace the coulda, shoulda, wouldas with why not? What have I got to lose? What is the WORSE thing that could happen? I close my blog down? That's not really that bad.


You never know what might come from it!

Look after yourself and those around you,

Kirsty xxxx


Audrey said...

Kirsty, you are an inspiration. You walk the talk! It's a privilege to know you, and to witness your energy, positive attitude and courage. Here's to a great writing career!

Audrey xxxx

Unknown said...

Audrey this made me get a little bit blurry eyed. Thank you. You are my inspiration. My Mentor. The lady who has given me the courage to follow my gut and GO FOR IT.

I am going to write a blog post on you! hahahaha Will keep you posted.

Thank you for your words of encouragement. They mean the world to me.